Saturday, November 17, 2007

Insurance? why not!

...I told you on my previous blog entry that I want to apply for a part time job instead because I feel i'm depriving myself of freedom and happiness since Im not able to do the things I love to do coz of my full time job…well forget it. I cant afford it this time…instead im planning to have a sideline.Yeah you got it right, my friend Joedel promised to help me know the ins and outs of the newest and the most appealing job for me as of the moment….Ill tell you something about it on my next blog entry but as of now, Im happy to tell you that im learning new things here. As Malen (one of my best buddies) describe it - its NOSEBLEED! Hahaha.

Anyway, I'm also thinking of getting an insurance package as a preparation for my future – but to be honest with you, I don’t even know how insurance works! I heard a lot of things about it before from an insurance agent in whom I, together with my ate, have spoken with few years back at the mall and he mentioned something about how to Save Money on Insurance, but unfortunately I was'nt able to really pick it up , hahaha! One of the main reasons why I am not really paying so much attention to what he is saying is because I am annoyed on how the agent and the company itself is presenting their Insurance Quotes. I can barely hear what he is explaining about the Insurance Plans Pros and Cons because if you're on the same hall - youll be able to hear clapping of hands on the background from his co-agents recognizing those clients who are forced (?) to sign up for an insurance policy from them. I was also able to see those possible clients who did not get one and you can see eyes staring sharply on them as if they committed a crime. In the back of my head Iknow…something is not right in here.

So it goes, too bad for the agent, my sister did'nt approve to it. She told me the rates are reasonably affordable and the insurance plan package is fine...but she too is annoyed on how the company is pressuring people to get a plan or else, no one will clap for you or something to that effect (am I making sense?) Its like an emotional blackmail or something..People having that kind of jobs should be open to any possibilities, one might get the deal or not - in anyway, they should pay respect to the clients decision without making them feel about it. Its so sad that companies like that sometimes are offering such a good business but because of the way they present their platform...they oftentimes don't get the deal.

Im still open for any quotations (?) or insurance proposal – anyone? Please email me. Ciao!

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