Sunday, January 20, 2008

I love Sunday!

i dont know why, but lately i feel i am sooo pressured with all the things that surrounds me... I feel Im spending 3/4 of my day infront of the computer...8 hours from work, and another 6 hours in my own pc ... blogging, surfing, reviewing.... i know I dont have to do that - i know i have a choice...but I can't help it. is there such a thing as being a computer addict? if there is, maybe i am one of them.

so today, since its my day off - i spent most of my time in front of my portable dvd and watched 3 movies in a row.... alvin and the chipmunks, the warlords and blade 5. I feel a lot better! Doing nothing but to relax, eat and watch a movie really made my day.

I have 5 pending tasks today - I can't relax all day unfortunately but those spare 10 hours of my day doing practically nothing makes me feel Im back to my old self again. maybe i shoud not overdo my online transactions...too much of anything is bad for the health (and sometimes takes away your drive to do something else worth doing...) I really love Sunday!

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