Finally, after almost a month - i've already received my Unionbank EON Card! Wow! I thought this day will never come, as I am now ready to give up. Indeed, there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Though it will still take
I promise myself never to splurge on any material things as of this time - I need to save for our forthcoming Singapore trip with Gherj and Ice. Coach told me I need to file my Vacation Leave now or else, my request might never be granted. As of the moment, I'm still half hearted - can I leave everything I have in the Philippines in exchange for a greener pasture in Singapore? Am I really ready for it? I tried applying once before but on the last minute , I backed out. Ate (who's working as a nurse there) gave me a chance before to have a vacation and try my luck in Singapore but I ruined it. Gherj and Ice seems so optimistic about this trip - Gherj plans to resign soon to have this opportunity and the way she acts and speak about this plan - it seems she already made up her mind. I hope God will lead me to the right path, I've been careless before - making decisions that I will later on take back. I want to be sure this time. I am a risk taker - I really am...but this time, this decision will be life changing. I need to consider so many things such as: Can i live my life without Jojo beside me? Can i stick to my decision to work there for two years straight? Can I live independently without my parents being near? Lord, teach me the way. Time is ticking, March is just half and a month away...what should I do???
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