Here are the things that came true in 2015 and 2016
- Never thought I would be owning my own car! It's like a dream come true. Before I thought those who own a car are only those who are rich but thanks to new technology, owning a car is not that hard to achieve. If you have the money to pay for the down payment and enough resources to pay for the monthly amortization, it's really within reach. I'm grateful that my older brother lend me P42,000 for my down payment and my sister who is working as a nurse in Singapore pledge to help me in my monthly amortization. Thank you for giving me people who never failed to help me realize my dreams. Though I never learned how to drive - it's OK. My hubby is the one driving for us which for me is more convenient hehe. Here's the pic
my of my beloved car, Ariah.
2)Reunite with Jojo's Family
-My hubby and I has been together for more than 12 years now and to be honest with you, I never really had a "true" bonding moments with my in laws. If I would count how many times I met them personally, I would say more or less four times. Last part of 2015, after my father died, I was able to reunite with Jojo's family. They went and accompanied us to the wake and interment of my father. It's just so sad that we had that bonding moment in the saddest part of my life but I am still grateful that they gave their respect and I felt better knowing they are around that time. We also had our lunch after the burial of my father.
-This is the ultimate wish/prayer I had for 2015. This is the last on my list because I know that only a miracle can make this wish come true. But it did. I was shocked upon learning that I was indeed pregnant by looking on the pregnancy test kit I purchased before. It took me 5 tests to finally convince myself that I was indeed pregnant. I am already 36 years old and I'm on the heavy side. I also had PCOS and for women with PCOS and with irregular menstruation...conceiving is really hard. Earlier that year, my hubby also had his sperm count test and it also shows it's hard for him to get someone pregnant because 50% of his sperm is immobile. Then one month after my father died, God gave us a surprise... we will be having own child. He is indeed a God who gives and takes away. I have been super sad because of my father's passing but my emotions shifted 360 degrees when I've learned I am conceiving a child. This is indeed a miracle and until now, I still have times when I still can't believe it and I stand in awe on how God's hand can turn things around.
I will be delivering in less than three weeks and I am sooo excited to meet our little angel. Will update you. :)

Congratulations on the cute baby!
Come to think of it, I have lists of things I'd like to have or do too, some of them materialized whilst others seem to be in waiting pa.
Very Nice Post, I learned a lot through it. Thanks for posting.
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