thanks ms. webloglearner for this award. I really appreciate it. I was'nt able to post anything on this blog since I already have 2 personal blogs but since this is my first blog ever (see, my first post was on July,2004) - I intend to keep it and you gave me an idea on what to post in here. I would post all tags, memes and all surveys that I am receiving from my online friends. Yeah, since I've been receiving a lot of tags, memes and surveys... I'd rather answer it and post it here. Thank you ms. webloglearner for giving me this idea. Till next tym!
aning aning suggestions
here in my corner
pinay blog earner
i feel so guilty i kinda forgot to post some of the tags i got. hehe.
you deserve this one. :)
Hi emotera How are you, I didn't know you have more than one blog pala. Ikaw pala si aninganing..lols
Beyond The Rave Reality, Computer and Electronics, Money Online Thoughts, Seek Health. Feel Great
yeah, i think all bloggers have that tendency. thanks for sharing your thoughts! By the way, are you working at a call center as well? aux zero seems familiar...hehehe
"Blogger Aux Zero said...
i feel so guilty i kinda forgot to post some of the tags i got. hehe.
you deserve this one. :)"
waaah...now you know my secret. hehehe. yup, I have more than ten blogs. sakit sa ulo pero enjoy. thanks for dropping by as always anneberly!
"Blogger anneberly said...
Hi emotera How are you, I didn't know you have more than one blog pala. Ikaw pala si aninganing..lols"
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