Friday, January 21, 2005


weeks before this, I know that I have been faithless. I always doubt God's plan for my life. I thought God had left me in a no-win situation. Yesterday, I went to Globe with Jojo and hr told me that my first day of employment will fall sometime February. I was overwhelmed because before I am uncertain of my date of employment but now my mind is clear. I used to cry everytime I am talking heart to heart with Jojo because I am bored, I am lonely not because I dont have something to do - but because I am uncertain of my starting date. questions like -
"what if they overlooked my papers since I was hired last October pa?", "what if the schedule that will be given to me would be on March pa?". Crazy things like that makes me so sad - but all through this hardships, my husband never left me. Instead he gave me words of encouragement and he assures me that God will never allow me to resign if it is not for my own good. God indeed knows the best for me so I have no regrets.

I went to Maersk also after we ate at Megamall and got the chance to be reunited with my best pals. they were so excited to see me and they are planning to go to our place in cubao. I really miss Shai, Pinky, Pam, Jag and Wilky. I hope our friendship will stay the same. furthermore,. Lui my bestfriend's ex, saw me at megamall. He told me that I should have been promoted to be a team leader if I did'nt reisgn. Honestly, I felt a little regret and i asked Jojo to convince me that I have done the right thing and he said just the right words to make me feel at ease. Thanks for all this opportunities, right now i am at meralco and blogging at mh Kuya's desk. I am taking up Enhancing communications skills to prepare for my upcoming job. so far, so good. I must go back to class now. it's almost 12:30. thank you Lord, to you be the Glory forever. amen.

1 comment:

Lena said...

all things work together for those who love and trust GOD

miss yah! gimik nmn tayo. 143

regards to your loving HUSBAND