It's been months since I last posted something in here but I'm happy that I was still able to find time to get back to this. Hopefully this will be the start of a habit of posting at least one entry a week.
I wish I could go back to the time when blogging is so much a part of me...
Anyways, I want to share with you my goals for 2015. Forgive me for the wrong grammar because it's supposed to be a single goal for the year but I decided to make it multiple goals so I will have more things to celebrate at the end of the year. I've learned from my favorite author Bo Sanchez that if you have a goal in mind, you have to write it down, and this is what I did! And I posted it in our bedroom wall... :)
First, be a servant of God - for years I've been wanting to be a part of the Church, I mean being able to serve God through the Church. Need to devote at least one day of my week to Church activities so I can show God how I value him. Hopefully that will happen very soon...once we were able to find a Church near our place. My mom is going to a Church nearby but she's so popular there the pastor might know I am living in with a man who is not my husband. Though we're planning of tieing the knot this August, I still want my mom to have some kind of a privacy so were still looking.
In line with this goal, I hope I can read the entire Bible this year. It's been my goal ever since but till now, I haven't read at least half of the Bible. So this year, hopefully I can find the time and the inspiration to do it!
Second, Invest in stocks! There has been several instances where I already have the money to buy my initial stocks but I'm kinda hesitant as P5000 will really go a long way. I'm fervently praying I could convince myself that investing in the Stock Market is for my future. This is a necessity.
Get Married, yup! I will be celebrating my 35th birthday on February 22 and my birthday wish is to get married this year. Me and my partner is not rooting for a "bongga" marriage, in fact, we've talked about it long time ago. Now, I want to make it to reality. August 8 is the target date. We will both go the the city hall where our wedding will be officiated and we will just invite our friends and families in the reception in our house where we will just get a caterer for a hassle free celebration. Our budget? P20,000 hahaha! Spell PRACTICAL.
Buy a Car and learn how to drive. This is my life long dream, to have my own car. Last September, I applied for a car loan and was approved for a P500,000 loan! I've spoken with my brother and sister and they all agreed to help me. My brother will shoulder the downpayment and my sister will shoulder the P3000/month amortization. The car that we want to purchase is a Toyota Wigo which will cost us P9000 monthly...which means I have to shoulder P6000/month car payment. Phew! I've been paying a lot these past few months, house amortization, utilities, my parents allowance and some "debt" brought about by not so wise spending so I feel I wont be able to handle the additional expenses. So the wish of having a car of my own is still on the parking lot. Will have to decide if we will continue with the plan once my hubby already got a job.
This will be it for now as I still have a lot of things to do. I have to post the clothes I will be selling in my online shop. Check on my online shop at Till next post!